Youths Civic Engagement
Program (Virtual)

Youths Civic Engagement

Leadtots Development Initiative is seeking young people who are passionate about developing themselves and contributing to the Inclusive society in North-East Nigeria to apply for her “Nothing About Us, Without Us” Youth Civic Engagement Program with support of National Endowment for Democracy, USA.


Leadtots’ Youth Civic Engagement Program is designed to foster youth hubs with the requisite leadership and advocacy skills to shape government policy and demand government transparency and accountability from newly elected and appointed government officials. The Program contains numerous Modules facilitated by experienced and seasoned experts culled from the development sector.
This is an opportunity for youth and women in Tertiary Institutions, Political parties and Youth/Women – focused Organizations who seek to build their Leadership and civic participation capacities; strengthen their networks for an increased youth participation in governance through advocacies, media activities, voter education, civic engagement and get to have their voices heard in the promotion and implementation of youth and women development program. You might be the best candidate for this program. The hybrid learning programme is designed to run virtually and physically from May to July, 2024.


Open to youths, especially young women, between the ages of 17 and 35, and residing in the North-East Nigeria. While Passion is a major criteria for selection, higher priority will be given to female applicants participants who are Student Leaders in Tertiary Institutions, Youth or women affiliated with an Organization in the region. PLWDs and Youths in Journalism will also be given special priority in selection.

Application Deadline: 18th May, 2024

Apply Now


Organizational Affiliation

Capacity/Community Relevance

Affirmation of Commitment

If selected, you will be expected to work with other youth leaders to first undergo at least a 4 days training at a location outside your place of residence and subsequently serve your community under the Youth Political Hotspot to advance the cause of good governance in Nigeria. This commitment will require your time, effort and sometimes your finance.